Having three sons makes an interesting household. We welcome you to bookmark us and follow our adventures. Let us give you a quick introduction of our family...

Brad (30)- The Daddy. Contrary to popular belief, kids do not make you lose your hair. It was gone well before the kids were born.
Michelle (28)- The Mommy. The one who taught the boys it's cool to pee on tree's.
Owen (4)- "Big O"- The first born. Says that God makes everything, but that China makes a lot of stuff too.
Isaiah (2)- We call hiim Tiny. Built like a brick house, and will probably end up being 6'-4", 250
Everett (9 months)- A.K.A. Rah-Rah the prodigy. Little man went from barely sitting up, to crawling, jabbering, and standing on his own in 2 weeks.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Scenes from Preschool

Owen (to his teacher): "Mrs. Stacy, I just pooped out whole corn because my body doesn't need it anymore."

Also on this day, the children were to bring in an item for show and tell that started with the letter W,X,Y,or Z. What did Owen choose? A Whoopie Cushion.
